Does fasting help burn calories during workouts?

Does fasting help you burn more calories during workouts

Last Updated on November 9, 2023 by Fasting Planet

Depending on the type of fast you’re doing, you already know that you’re burning a lot of calories. Yet if you want to accelerate that caloric loss and begin burning body fat while in a fasted state, should you exercise? Will fasted cardio and other workouts help you achieve your weight loss goals even more optimally?

Indeed, exercising in a fasted state has been proven to be far more efficient in that you ramp up the fat-burning to as much as 20 percent. You can increase calorie-burning as well.

If you want to achieve your greatest weight and fat loss results yet, then fasted cardio could be just what you’re looking for. Ahead, we’ll discuss how your body composition changes when in a fasted state. We’ll also offer pointers for your workout so you can enjoy even greater long-term fat loss and weight-loss perks. You’re not going to want to miss it!

Do You Burn More Calories Working out While Fasting?

When you fast, you’re exiting a fed state and eating incrementally if at all. One of the most obvious and sought-after benefits of caloric restriction is weight loss. Yet besides losing weight, you can also do so much more for your body. For instance, fasting lets you enter a state of autophagy, or cell recycling for greater health. You can also achieve fat loss.

How? When you eat, you add a source of sugar to the body known as glucose. This gets converted into glycogen and stored in the liver. Your body uses this glycogen as an energy source throughout the day. If you have leftover glycogen–which sometimes happens–this gets retained in the liver for later.

When fasting, you’re not adding any extra glucose to your system. Your sugar levels begin to come down and your liver burns through those glycogen stores. When those are gone, your body will switch to fat-burning instead.

Through burning fat on your fast, you not only lose weight, but trim body fat as well. These are just the benefits of being in a fasted state without exercise.

When you do a workout on a fast, also known as fasted cardio, think of what your body is experiencing. You were already burning calories and fat at rest, and now you’ll torch through even more rapidly once you add some cardio to your day.

According to a 2013 report in the British Journal of Nutrition, when you exercise during a fast, you considerably increase your caloric and fat burning. The data says that fasted cardio can help you burn more fat at an impressive rate of 20 percent. That can make a pretty big difference in your short-term and long-term health!

Is It Okay to Exercise While Fasting?

While you’re fasting, especially if you’re new to it, you may be going through a whole host of side effects. You’re absolutely ravenous, and you haven’t slept well, so you’re tired too. You might feel cranky and moody because you haven’t eaten in a while.

Is it safe to exercise while in this state? For the most part, yes. That said, if you’re used to a high-intensity workout each time you exercise though, we don’t recommend that. Lifting very heavy weights or spending hours on the treadmill for cardio can push your body too far. Instead, you want to stick to meaningful yet lighter-intensity fasted cardio such as walking briskly or jogging. You can even do some yoga and light weightlifting for your workout.

Do keep in mind that if you start to feel weak, dizzy, or nauseous that you should stop what you’re doing immediately and take a break. Once you feel better, you could possibly resume your fitness, but only if you’re in the shape to do so.

Will I Burn More Calories If I Exercise on an Empty Stomach?

What if you’re not necessarily fasting, but you just have yet to eat for the day? If you decide to exercise first thing in the morning with an empty stomach, will you increase the caloric load you burn?

Yes, you may. Even if it turns out that you’re not torching calories during your workout like you thought, since you’re not eating, you’re not contributing any further to your caloric load for the day.

If you do decide to start your mornings with a bit of fasted cardio, experts recommend keeping your sweat sessions to about an hour, and certainly no more than that. You also want to ensure you drink plenty of water both before and after exercise. That goes for any time you’re exercising on a fast. You’re already missing 20 percent of the hydration you’d get from food when fasting, so you need to drink more water to make up for it.

Don’t necessarily only drink water, either. Since you lose electrolytes when you sweat, you’ll need a source of salt to renew those electrolytes. You can mix a bit of sodium with your tap water, sip on Pedialyte or bone broth, or wait until your eating window begins to have a sports drink.

Will I Burn More Fat If I Exercise on an Empty Stomach?

What about burning fat during fasted cardio? Will your body shed fat more easily if you start your morning at the gym instead of indulging in breakfast?

Absolutely. This classic report from the American Journal of Physiology notes that when you increase your insulin levels, your fat metabolism may be suppressed by more than 20 percent. Thus, by skipping your morning meal, you can keep your body’s fat metabolism primed to burn more fat.

If you do decide to exercise on an empty stomach, again, ensure you’re hydrating yourself and restoring electrolytes. Also, listen to your body. You might notice you’re a little shaky without food and that your stamina isn’t what it usually is. This is all normal, but if you’re concerned, take a break until you’re feeling better and then try exercising again.


If you’re looking to increase the number of calories and the amount of fat you burn while on a fast, then you need to exercise. You may torch fat at an impressive rate of 20 percent, and you can maintain your fat metabolism as well. Best of luck on your fast!

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